Thursday, August 28, 2014

Single. Boring or not?

As a lady, people around me love to know more about my personal life. Either they love me *bats eyelashes* or they are just too busybody curious.

During Eid’s visiting, my aunties were asking me “when will I get married?” and the most daring one “Takda da Mat ke yang nak kat kau?” (“There’s no man attracted to you?”)

Honestly, I did not know what to say. I have no boyfriends. The last time I went to date was 4 years ago.

After graduation and secured a job, I have no single man to be friend with.

Many people said single life is boring. I do admit it. I envy my friends who are either attached or engaged to decent men. I wanted to experience the dating courting phase.

I admit I’m a bit choosy. But everyone wants the best partners right?

I’m searching for a responsible, nice man that can lead and guide me to the right path. Till now I’m waiting for my Prince. I put everything in God’s hands.

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