Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Confessions of an RP girl

Yesterday (Wednesday, 11/12/2013) after FYP presentation I saw the "library" guy in the library. He was alone doing his FYP. He was wearing white shirt. He looked attentive and focus judging the way he stared his laptop. I was 4 tables away from him.

To be quite honest I am attracted to him when I first saw him in the library during my 1st week of my FYP. He was wearing a checked hoodie. He has this mysterious aura. He looks mysterious and full of confidence but then sometimes I noticed he has timid facial expression. Well, it's just my intuition.

I can feel my cheeks burn up everytime I look at him. I still get that butterfly feeling in my stomach when I look at him. I'm not sure why I kept thinking about him, and everything about him just attracts my attention.

So back to the story. Yesterday I wrote a letter to him. It's not that cheesy but it is just too childish. I went to his table and gave it to him. He looked shocked. One of his guy friend looked surprised too. He might think I am an obsessive stalker.

My gaze wavers and focus on his eyes instead. I was too shy and embarrassed to look at him. After giving him the letter, I ran as fast as I could. I was in the library and my shoes make a loud "thump, thump" noise. I didn't look back. I was so embarrassed.  Never in my life I wrote a letter to a guy, telling him he's good looking. Never in my life I wrote a letter to a guy.

I did write my phone number. Sadly, he doesn't call me. He might think I am a crazy, obsessive girl. Truthfully he is a guy who I like the most. His aura attracts me. His action (the way he moves, the way he's doing his work, the way he's talking to his friends) captivate me.

Yesterday, the whole day, all I could think about was being rejected by him. And today my feeling of getting rejected is stronger. I am so sad and disheartened right now.

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