Thursday, November 28, 2013

Musollah at Republic Polytechnic (RP)

To those Muslims (facilitators, students, staffs, visitors etc) who wanted to perform their Solat, they could perform it at Republic Polytechnic's official Musollah which is located at block W6.

The Muslimin (men area) is at level 9 whereas for the Muslimah is at level 10.

To get there, take a lift at the w6 and press level 7. After that take a stairs near the toilet area and climb it till level 9 (for the men) and 10 (for the ladies).

Since my classroom is located at W2, I will always take the lift to level 3 and walk pass through the lawn area that is connected to the W6 level 3 building.

To perform Wudhu or ablution, simply you  can do it in any of the school toilets. One of the cubicles there has bidet spray hence it is easy to clean the legs area.

I find that the Musollah is comfortable moreover there's Qiblat direction pasted on the floor. Slippers, sejadah (praying mat), telekung (long cloth to cover the head and body) are provided.


  1. Is the musollah still available?

    1. Not sure. But you can go to E5 level 2 instead. Students always perform their prayers there. The place is exactly beside toilet at corner.
